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Sarah Hicks - June 2024 (3 of 11).jpg

Portfolio of Works

From plein air while skiing and climbing, to studio works, solo exhibitions, and commissions.

Below is a portfolio of my past works categorized by year and exhibit. 

SH Craggy Days Web sRGB.jpg

Home in Unexpected Places


A tribute to the tents, cabins, and shelters that become our refuges while out exploring the backcountry.

*Portfolio under construction, links may not be open yet*


Memories of Mid-Summer .Web sRGB.jpg

*Portfolio under construction, links may not be open yet*

Salmon as Sacred.jpg

Cosmos Out of Chaos


This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background 

*Portfolio under construction, links may not be open yet*



*Portfolio under construction, links may not be open yet*



*Portfolio under construction, links may not be open yet*



*Portfolio under construction, links may not be open yet*

Franklin Glacier Digital-1.jpg


*Portfolio under construction, links may not be open yet*

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